
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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11/30/2017 - Bounties

I've introduced a rudimentary Bounty system on the test server too. You can check it out here:

You can post bounties on targets to be defeated in war. If you read on that page you'll see all the restrictions and whatnot as well.

Posted by Alex 11/30/2017 08:22 pm      

11/25/2017 - War Types

Introducing War Types to the test server!

What are War Types?

War Types are a way of selecting what kind of war you want to have as an aggressor. You have two basic options: a Raid and a war of Attrition. The former does less damage and steals more loot, the later does the opposite. There is also an option for an Ordinary war that is a half and half mixture of both.

Hopefully this will help raiders steal loot without destroying their targets, and let nations blow the snot out of each other without stealing all of their resources. Let me know what you think in the Discord #the-test-server channel!

Posted by Alex 11/25/2017 03:13 am      

10/24/2017 - Tournament 2 Has Ended

Congratulations to the winner of Tournament 2, Lilyium of Elysium! They will be receiving a nation award in the live server.

I do not have an ETA for the next test server tournament yet. Ideally we will be running the tournament with some modifications, such as tweaks to military units or new features. In the meantime, the test server is reactivated so you can play around as you please.

Posted by Alex 10/24/2017 05:04 pm      

10/14/2017 - Tournament #2


This tournament will run for ten days.

Your are NOT allowed to create multis. If you create multis, you will be banned from the test server, PERMANENTLY.

Trading, Banking, and Baseball are all disabled.

The highest score nation at the end of the tournament will receive an Award in the live server.

Have fun!

Posted by Alex 10/14/2017 02:32 am      

09/27/2017 - Tournament #1

For some more clarification on the first tournament, I'm making this post.

This tournament is a test tournament of sorts, but the winners will be recognized. This tournament will last for 1 week, and will end at 12AM October 5, 2017. The highest score nation and alliance at that time will be recognized as the victors.

Every nation will start with 3 cities with 1000 infrastructure and $10,000,000, along with some extra land and other resources. The game rules are the same as the live server, except that it does not cost 1 Credit to make an alliance and turns are every 30 minutes instead of every 2 hours. Credits will not be used in this tournament.

You will only be able to make a nation after 12AM on 9/28/2017 server time. If you create more than one nation, you will be banned from the test server permanently, disqualifying you from this and any future tournament. To make things easier on everyone, please do not create multiple nations. I would heavily recommend not letting more than one person play for network to prevent you from being mistakenly banned (forever).

I will have a nation, and will be (somewhat) participating in the tournament. I will be gone over the weekend and so probably will get raided into oblivion, but for the sake of the tournament, consider me as just another participant.

All that said, I hope this is a success, and that we can host semi-regular tournaments with modifications to the rules in the future.

Posted by Alex 09/27/2017 09:00 pm