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How to Send Messages through the API

TESTINGThis is a how-to article for sending messages to players through the Politics and War API.


The API endpoint to send messages through is: at


This API endpoint accepts a POST request with the following parameters:

key : This is your API key, found on the account page.

to : This is the Nation ID of the recipient. Note that this is not the leader name like in normal messaging.

subject : This is the subject of the message. This cannot be null, and can be up to 50 characters in length.

message : This is the body of the message. You can use HTML to format your message.


An example of a successful response from the server looks like:


   "success": true,

   "recipient": "196880",

   "subject": "test"



Here are a list of errors you may experience and why you may receive them.

Invalid API Key

If you do not include a valid API key with your request, you will see the message:


   "success": false,

   "general_message": "Invalid API key."


Self Message

If you try to send a message to yourself, you will see the message:


   "success": false,

   "general_message": ["You cannot send a message to yourself."]


Recipient Does Not Exist

You must identify a primary recipient by their nation ID. If that ID does not exist, you will see the following message:


   "success": false,

   "general_message": ["The recipient does not exist. Using this API endpoint, you must send messages to players by their Nation ID rather than their leader name."]


No Subject

If you do not include the subject field, you will see the following message:


   "success": false,

   "general_message": ["You must include a subject in your message."]


No Message Body

If you do not include the message field, you will see the following message:


   "success": false,

   "general_message": ["You did not include a message body."]
