Nation Bulletin

Standing Man Saved By Falling Community

A Man Stood Up And Was Saved By His Falling Neighbours

By Reporter John Hancock
03/14/2022 05:53 am
Updated: 03/14/2022 06:50 am

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A man, Sixt Enyne, was standing yesterday, on the verge of living, when his dead community told him to sit down and shut up. Thankfully, He listened. It definitely had nothing to do with the governor threatening him with F-15s and Nukes, or anything at all with the governor failing to defend its allies of Eastern Europe because rather than making the moral choice he cowered in the Blue House. Sixt Enyne said:" Seriously you guys... why can't I stand for moral decisions?" He then realized the right thing to do is not the proper thing to do and said(definitely not sarcasm): "Oh Yeah An ally of ours never got invaded, the media, which definitely isn't susceptible to bribery, is always right, it just isn't possible to bribe someone." He said while giving his 3 year old daughter a cookie to quiet down. If his community hadn't been there, we would be in danger.

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(Just satire, not real news but does closely reflect American Media)