View Alliance


we will counter any and all attacks, if the attacker has all defensive slots used or his score is too extreme we will hit another alliance member in compensation

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Agreers (IAEE)
The Senate: I agree , I Disagree , I Maybe
Founded: 09/01/2024 (169 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Black Sheep
Members: 1
Alliance Rank: #31 of 289 (10.73%)
Score: 4,482.43
Avg Score: 4,482.43
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 9 (90%)
Beige Nations: 1 (100%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 200
Total Infrastructure: 306,422.67
Total Land: 392,750.01
Total Population: 34,496,194
Total GDP: $42,294,593,196
Total Soldiers: 942,083
Total Tanks: 66,544
Total Aircraft: 2,620
Total Ships: 2,053
Total Spies: 422
Total Missiles: 220
Total Nuclear Weapons: 219
Wars Won: 100
Wars Lost: 54
No Applicants

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

disagreeing [roh]

agreers disagree with blacksheep

[DoE] agreeing

something something

See All
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text

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