View Alliance
United Nations 2



We are back, reformed and brand new. 

We shall change the world, and renew it, to overcome the world's most difficult challenges. 

"Peace, Dignity and Equality in a reformed planet."

Welcome to the UN2 Alliance Page. 

We are an alliance seeking for reform, revenge and peace in these times of torture. We need freedom and democracy to ensure the interests of our states immediately. 

This new alliance, formed by a merge between The Reformists Union and The Democratic States.

Alliance Anthem

United Nations Diplomacy:

A statement from the Secretary-General: 

"We shall engage in diplomatic treaties with alliances that have a purpose in change and are strong enough to aid our members."




MDoAP: la Populace (War-time Coalition)



Secretary-General/Leader: Niles Farran

Deputy Secretary-General/Co-leader: Harder

EcoSoc President:

General Assembly President:

Chief of staff:

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status

This alliance has an alliance-member only market.