View Alliance
Stargate Atlantis


An alliance about learning and growing. We raid only inactives as a way to teach war mechanics, if you are raided message Sheppard for peace and to get money/resources for damages. May there be peace in the Galaxy.


Accepting applications from players with 20+ cities

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Stargate Atlantis (SGA)
Leader: Sheppard
Founded: 07/26/2024 (43 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Blue Atlantis
Members: 6
Alliance Rank: #2 of 526 (0.38%)
Score: 50,355.04
Avg Score: 8,392.51
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 2
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 2.83%
Total Cities: 186
Total Infrastructure: 616,000.00
Total Land: 779,500.00
Total Population: 80,424,337
Total GDP: $76,699,577,405
Total Soldiers: 2,746,598
Total Tanks: 226,696
Total Aircraft: 13,950
Total Ships: 2,489
Total Spies: 305
Total Missiles: 153
Total Nuclear Weapons: 70
Wars Won: 131
Wars Lost: 36
No Applicants
MDP Enaction



MDP Enacted

Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
MDoAP Order Of The StarsN/A
MDoAP Totally Knot RefulgentN/A
MDoAP SillyCat Alliance for Regional HarmonyN/A
NAP Hurricanean Union of NationsN/A
Protectorate United Republics of The WorldN/A