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Totally Knot Refulgent



Desolation, Heralds, Everstorm, and all that. The Chevaliers Refulgant should stand again.


Join TKR for grants to City 35. No Discord Required. Apply in-game only. 10/10 Tax rate. Any raiding on our members will result in counters.


For any inquires, message Lunamor or Rusty in-game or on Discord.

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Totally Knot Refulgent (TKR)
Lunamor: rusty tomato , Lunamor , Furina de Fontaine
semi lunamor: Nicholas , Robert Baratheon
Founded: 06/28/2024 (235 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: radiant orange kingdom
Members: 2
Alliance Rank: #11 of 277 (3.97%)
Score: 12,136.82
Avg Score: 6,068.41
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 3 (60%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 1 (50%)
Alliance Treasures: 1
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 2.00%
Total Cities: 127
Total Infrastructure: 136,631.68
Total Land: 277,500.00
Total GDP: $15,085,469,890
Total Soldiers: 923,278
Total Tanks: 69,787
Total Aircraft: 3,897
Total Ships: 833
Total Spies: 23
Total Missiles: 15
Total Nuclear Weapons: 4
Wars Won: 184
Wars Lost: 106
No Applicants


A Change in Course

MDoAP cancellations and signings

[DoW] something cool and smart here

tfp declares war on evh. wait, wrong alliance and wrong server :P

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