v2.0.0 Nation Bank Records API Endpoint

URL: /api/v2/nation-bank-recs/{APIKey}/

For assistance with the API, please join the Discord Server and ask in the channel #api

Example Endpoints

URL Details
/api/v2/nation-bank-recs/{APIKey}/&nation_id=6 Return bank records where Alex is the sender or receiver
/api/v2/nation-bank-recs/{APIKey}/&nation_id=6&format=1 Return bank records where Alex is the sender or receiver in pretty format
/api/v2/nation-bank-recs/{APIKey}/&nation_id=6&s_only=true Return bank records where Alex is the sender
/api/v2/nation-bank-recs/{APIKey}/&nation_id=6&r_only=true Return bank records where Alex is the receiver
/api/v2/nation-bank-recs/{APIKey}/&nation_id=6&banker_id=47239 Return bank records where Alex is the sender or receiver and Dreadnought (id=47239) is the banker
/api/v2/nation-bank-recs/{APIKey}/&nation_id=6&s_type=2 Return bank records where Alex is the receiver and the sender is an alliance
/api/v2/nation-bank-recs/{APIKey}/&nation_id=6&min_tx_date=20200323 Return bank records where Alex is the sender or receiver and the transaction occurred on or after March 23, 2020

Acceptable Parameters

Key Required Details
format Optional If value set to 1, returns JSON formatted nicely.
nation_id Required Specifies the nation ID(s) for which nation bank records are returned. Can be comma separated.
s_only Optional If true, limits results by removing records where nation_id is the receiver in the bank record.
r_only Optional If true, limits results by removing records where nation_id is the sender in the bank record.
min_tx_id Optional Accepts a numeric value. Limits results by removing records where the tx_id is less than the value.
max_tx_id Optional Accepts a numeric value. Limits results by removing records where the tx_id is greater than the value.
min_tx_date Optional Accepts a date in the following format 'yyyymmdd'. If valid, limits results to records on or after this date.
max_tx_date Optional Accepts a date in the following format 'yyyymmdd'. If valid, limits results to records on or before this date.
s_type Optional If valid, limits results to specified sender type. With inputted value 1, will only return transactions where the sender was a nation. With inputted value 2, will only return transactions where the sender was an alliance.
r_type Optional If valid, limits results to specified recipient type. With inputted value 1, will only return transactions where the recipient was a nation. With inputted value 2, will only return transactions where the recipient was an alliance.
banker_id Optional Accepts a nation ID. If valid, limits results to transactions where the banker (nation that initiated the transaction) matches the inputted value.

Field List

Field Type Details
tx_id Integer Unique identifier for each bank record
tx_datetime DateTime
sender_id Integer Sending nation or alliance ID
sender_type Integer Data Mapping:
  • Nation - 1
  • Alliance - 2
receiver_id Integer Recipient nation or alliance ID
receiver_type Integer Data Mapping:
  • Nation - 1
  • Alliance - 2
banker_nation_id Integer Nation ID of the user that initiated the transaction
note String Note (if any) included with the transaction by the banker
money Double
coal Double
oil Double
uranium Double
iron Double
bauxite Double
lead Double
gasoline Double
munitions Double
steel Double
aluminum Double
food Double

Possible Errors

Error Details
The API key sent for this request is invalid. API key was not valid.
You are making API requests too quickly. Your API key is limited to X requests per second. API key is rate limited to X requests per second and this request would cause the limit to be exceeded so it is rejected.
You have reached your limit for API requests today. Your API key is limited to Z requests per day. API key is rate limited to Z requests per day, and this request would cause the limit to be exceeded so it is rejected. This daily limit is reset at midnight UTC.
No nation ID was received. The parameter nation_id was not sent or not valid.
No results to display. The request was valid, but returned no results.

Sample Output

Sample URL: https://test.politicsandwar.com/api/v2/nation-bank-recs/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX/&format=1&nation_id=6,3629

Sample Output: pastebin.com/yD1juLcP